Sunday, March 4, 2012


"David danced before the Lord with all of his might..." -2 Samuel 6:14

When I read this, I can't help but picture a lanky Indian boy with a huge white smile, dancing with his arms and shoulders moving up and down and hands unscrewing invisible lightbulbs in the air. Just like I've seen some of our 10th standard boys do!

We're supposed to become undignified and dance before the Lord--show the rest of the world our love for him shamelessly.

Last night, we got Nancy on film doing some little dances. Sid and I danced around on either side of her, encouraging her to join in and go for it!!! And she finally did, after she saw us looking silly, jumping from foot to foot and snapping our fingers, she went for it! She clapped her hands and sang a little song too.

Sometimes a person just needs a little encouragement, or a good example, to let loose and become undignified with love for other people and God. Eventually you will stop following the example and become one yourself.