I am sad to say this is going to be one of the last blog posts from India! I can’t believe we’re down to our last 10 days here. So far we’re keeping our last two weeks busy and it is going by incredibly fast.
Rented bicycles in Nuzvid--USA cycling team in India |
Two weekends ago, our friends Zach and Jeff came down for the weekend and gave us a surprise visit which was very refreshing. They were only asked to preach for church a few times on Friday night ;). We had fun talking in our habitual Indian ways and laughing about it. In India, Zach and Jeff have become Jack and Jeff…according to every Indian person. All the kids knew their names by the time Friday was over. The boys took off on Sunday night back to work. Then this last Thursday we made a trip up to Nuzvid where Zach and Jeff are working at the Gifford Memorial Hospital to visit for a day, and then continued our journey a little farther north for Easter weekend to our brother Ramana’s home village outside of the big city Rajahmundry. So last Wednesday night we began our adventure with the same ten hour overnight bus ride that Zach and Jeff made from our little town of Vempalli to Vijayawada and followed up with a one and a half hour bus ride to Nuzvid. Nuzvid if famous for mangos—everyone tells us. And yes there were lots of mango trees there! Sadly mango season doesn’t really start until May so the mangos aren’t very sweet yet. It was really fun to hang out with the Gilbert boys and funny to see the different parts of “Indian-English” that we all have picked up so nicely. In Nuzvid we rented bikes for 3 rupees an hour (about 6 cents an hour) and rode like an awesome cycling team through the mango fields—it was so nice to be back on a bicycle, even it was an Indian Hero bicycle with scary brakes and a seat tilted at the most uncomfortable upward angle. (One thing I cannot wait to do when I get home: get on my road bike!) We got the grand tour of Nuzvid and enjoyed hanging out in the AC guest room that Zach and Jeff have at the hospital. These boys have learned the Indian way of hospitality and spoiled us with a gourmet breakfast of Morning Star Sausage links, fried potatoes, and eggs! What a treat. We were sad to leave them, but excited to head off on another adventure to see Ramana’s ‘Native Place.’ This trip has been planned since before Christmas time and we knew Ramana was excited to show us his home, which turned out to be everything he has ever described it as—paradise!
So Friday afternoon we hopped on a bus, switched to another bus, met Ramana, switched to yet another bus, and then met Ramana’s good friend Srinuvas who was waiting with a motorcycle and a scooter to take us out to the village. Trevor and his backpack, Sid, and Srinu packed onto the motorcycle while Ramana and I balanced on the scooter. I wore Sid’s backpack on the front, and mine on the back. After stopping shortly to pick up some freshly cooked egg noodles in a parcel for dinner, we took off down a tree tunneled road dodging the bugs and potholes.

We arrived in the small rural village of Kaleru about thirty minutes later and were welcomed by a giant banner and a bunch of village kids and people. We stayed at Ramana’s brothers house and slept on a mat on the floor. Everyone was so excited to have Ramana’s foreigner friends staying right in their own little village… Since no one there speaks any English, Ramana became our translator. At school, other people translate for Ramana because he doesn’t speak English…but over the last 6 months of talking with us, we have learned to understand each other even through his very limited and broken English. (When my mom and Debbie came to visit, we had to translate Ramana’s English to them because they couldn’t understand. And the same went for Trevor’s mom and Zach and Jeff!) Thankfully we speak Ramana’s language. I couldn’t believe how much they pampered us the whole weekend serving us endless amounts of tea, fresh coconut water, strange new fruits, and too many meals. They even tried to fan us when we sat sweating in the heat! To go along with our bucket showers from the freshly pumped well water in the small outhouse that doubles as squat pot, the weekend was full of more motorcycle and scooter riding, Telegu church going, village touring, a cloth market, coconut rice and egg curry eating, and entertaining people by simply being a foreigner! We also handed out the left over tooth brushes from Peach Ortho to kids in the village and at Ramana’s church. It was a chaotic and busy, but slow and full of ‘time-pass’ at the same time as India always seems to be. There’s a book called Shantaram about a guy who comes to live in India after escaping from prison in Australia and at one point he goes to live in a village of his Indian friend for about 6 months—our weekend reminded me so much of this story. The family water buffalos living right outside the door are milked in the morning for the daily tea and curd, everyone lives close together and the men shower outside at the water pump and the women take bucket showers from the freshly pumped well water in the small outhouse that doubles as squat pot. What I am realizing is that even with all of the strange awkward and sometimes uncomfortable situations we found ourselves in, we were relaxed and went along with whatever came our way. How things have changed… I know that if we had done this trip during the first couple months of our stay in India, things would have been handled much differently! If India has taught me anything, it’s that when life hands you uncomfortable situations, you sit back and enjoy them because each one will pass without fail and you can laugh about it later. This truly was an amazing and humbling experience that showed me another incredible side of India.
Sid got to hang out in his lungie with all the other village men |
swimming in the River! Ramana has talked about this place
for many months where he grew up swimming |
Successful shopping at the whole sale cloth market |
Ramana (center) and his two brothers (elder-right, younger-left)
In front of the house that he hopes to purchase someday with Chandu... |
Ramana-left holding some munjakia palm fruit
The boy on the right climbed the tree to confiscate these fruits |
"Very taste!" |
Today we made one last trip to Kadapa to buy sports equipment for the school. Some close friends of my grandparents were incredibly kind and donated money for this purpose. We are using the money to fix the swing set that has not been used this entire year, and to get lots of sports stuff for the kids to play with. Before today they only had a few cricket bats and only one volleyball that Sid, Trevor, and I bought in Kadapa after their only ball popped. We were able to buy an arsenal of items for them to use for this last week and the rest of next school year. When the kids ask who donated all the things, we tell them it’s from an auntie and uncle in the U.S. and they always tell me to make sure I tell them thank you! So HUGE THANKS to Doug and Joyce Ellington for making these kids extra happy!
It’s hard to think about leaving these people and never knowing when I will see them again. Our goofy brother Ramana and his “my understanding” and “my written back” personalized English language, my tiny sister Chandu and our baking extravaganzas and inside jokes… And of course Vara, Prim, and little Nancy who turned three yesterday, and our TBSVPN Bakery shop that we invented (Trevor, Brooke, Sid, Vara, Prim, Nancy—creative I know!) where we roll too many chapathi and experiment everyday with new curries. I can’t believe all of these things that have become part of my daily life are coming to an end. It’s going to be a bittersweet moment when we take off for Chennai next Friday.