Another week down. Monday my mom and Debbie arrive! All the kids know already (don't ask me how) and each one asks me about her every time they see me. "Brooke! Your mom is coming? When, monday?" Even though I know they already know this... They are excited for some more foreigners to arrive, and so am I! We already have two meal invitations from different families. I'm thinking we should have visitors more often!
Pramila :) |
Yesterday was our sister Prim's birthday. It was kind of supposed to be a secret, because they hadn't planned any meal or cake for all the staff (which is expected). But......the secret kind of got out. I may not have helped when I went and asked our neighbors if I could use their microwave to make a cake for her. Unfortunately, the microwave option didn't work out, but they decided to announce to the whole school that it was her birthday! I felt bad, so I went a bought a cake in town and we shared it with all the staff. The day was saved, no problem. :)
But, since I couldn't make a cake for her, I decided to make the next best thing that I could decorate, a pancake! Topped with some peanut butter frosting and candies, I'm pretty sure they enjoyed it, especially little Nancy, who is addicted to sweets already at a young age of two.
Her middle name should be sugar |
This Sabbath flew by. In the afternoon we led Bible study as usual and then we hosted a game night for the kids. We have a bunch of gifts for kids, but not enough for everyone, so we had to come up with some creative ways to give stuff away! It was kind of a long night, but they had fun, and so did we. It's crazy how much a small gift, such as an eraser, can make a kid so happy. I think the most popular new game he introduced was the one where you race eating a donut that is dangling on a string (only we used Jelabi, deep fried sweets that are somewhat similar to donuts...). It was a hit!
The same girls quiz me every day, "what is my name ma'am?" and every day I tell them their names...again. Today I decided to let them know that I will never forget their names. I will remember forever! Maybe they will finally stop asking, but I doubt it. :)
I have been stuck on a thought all day that I read this morning:
We learn to trust God with our future when we remember what He has done for us in the past. So when we are thankful for all that God has done and is doing, we not only gain joy, but we grow in faith.
It's so interesting how many places in the Bible express that we should 'give thanks' that I have never noticed before. It can be a real challenge to be thankful sometimes...I try not to be cliche when thanking God, but sometimes it ends up that way. I just need to remember that the little things should be my focus, making the familiar become unfamiliar and thanking God for it. A verse happened to appear in the Bible study lesson I did with my kids today... it was Colossians 2:7
"Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with THANKFULNESS."
There it is again, the Bible sneaks in some thought about giving thanks... it's everywhere! Our faith will grow strong in the truth we were taught. So the truth from our past. We see what God has done for us, thank him for it, and we know he has a will for us in the future that is good and pleasing and perfect. [Romans 12:2] I think that's a good enough reason to trust.
One of the cutest people on this planet! |
Sun flower fields in full bloom. |